Innovative Uses of Electric Fences

Modern electric fences use pulses of high voltage that are delivered on a wire by an energizer (fence controller). This unit converts mains or battery power into a short, high-voltage pulse.

All the live strands of your fence must be completely insulated from ground, metal objects or green vegetation with plastic insulators. This ensures the voltage is maintained throughout the fence.

Controlling Animals

Whether you want to contain livestock, keep out predators, or simply prevent animals from running through a gate and into fields, electric fencing is an effective solution. Different animals require varying voltage levels, and each species has unique sensitivities to shocks.

An energizer converts mains or battery power into a pulse of electricity that is applied to an insulated fence line. The pulse is only active when an animal touches the wires.

The fence must be totally insulated, either by plastic insulators or an air gap of 3cm. The energizer should also be protected with a lightning arrestor and a current testing meter.

Regular inspection and maintenance is vital to a functioning system. Weeds and vegetation draw power from the energiser to ground, reducing the strength of the pulse, and cracks or breaks in insulators can allow live wires to touch each other. Wet weather magnifies the problem. An ohm meter can tell you the condition of your fence and if it is carrying its full load of electricity.

Deterring Intruders

A well-designed and functioning electric fence will discourage criminals from entering your property by presenting a challenge to them. If they attempt to penetrate the fence, they will receive an electric shock that can disorient them but will not kill them. This can deter them from committing crimes and will delay their entry into your property to allow you time to respond.

Conducting wires are typically made from smooth steel, but barbed wire and other woven fencing materials can be electrified too. Most electric fences use a pulsating current so that if someone touches the wire they will receive a shock but will not be injured or killed.

The energizer of an electric fence malaysia converts electrical power into high-voltage pulses that travel down the conductors and then into the ground, delivering a shock to animals and people. The energizer is responsible for the proper operation of the electric fence and must be selected carefully to fit your particular needs.

Preventing Damage to Property

Electric fences can be used to protect crops from trespassers, or to keep wildlife in a managed area. They can also be used in aquaculture to protect fish ponds from terrestrial predators, such as herons.

Although touching an energized wire causes pain, the voltages used on electric fences are not high enough to cause harm to humans (fewer than one person is reported to have died from an electrocution in a year worldwide). It is very important that the grounding system of your fence is correctly installed – three ground rods 6-8 feet long and spaced 10 feet apart are recommended. Avoid copper and galvanized steel to prevent electrolysis, which causes corrosion and weakens shocking power.

The energiser or ‘fence charger’ is the power source that converts mains electricity into a short, powerful pulse of current along the live and ground wires of your electric fence. The energiser size should be matched to the species to be contained or deterred and the length of your fence.

Keeping Animals Safe

Electric fences work by capitalizing on animals’ natural instincts. When an animal approaches the fence, they receive a brief but memorable shock that will train them to stay away in the future. For best results, it is important to gradually introduce livestock to the system in a controlled setting so they can become accustomed to the shock without fear or stress.

A well-designed system uses a power source (an energizer) that pushes electrical pulses down the positive fence wires in very short, high-voltage pulses every 1-2 seconds. This infrequent, low-current contact never creates a fire risk, even when the conductor is near combustible materials.

It is also important to use good conductivity by burying galvanized steel ground rods in the soil near the energizer to ensure that the system is properly grounded. Incorrect grounding can significantly reduce the effectiveness of an electric fence.